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“Landscapes Found” by Pedro Ignacio García Sáez, Commended Entry in the 2021 One Photo Challenge

Send Us a Photo. Tell Us a Story. Win $2,500.

The One Photo Challenge is now part of the Architizer Vision Awards, honoring the best architectural photography, film, visualizations, drawings, models and the talented creators behind them. Winners are published in print!

UPDATE The 3rd Annual One Photo Challenge launches on May 9th, 2022!
Sign up now for key updates and deadline reminders for the competition.

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If you have any questions about the One Photo Challenge, email us at competitions@architizer.com.

Hurry! 00 days, 00 hours, 00 minutes, and 00 seconds
left until the Deadline on

To submit a photo, log into the One Photo Challenge Entry Portal using your Architizer ID.

—— or ——
Note: We have updated our system and you can now use your Architizer login credentials to access your One Photo Challenge account. You will now be redirected to Architizer to sign in or create an account.


In the modern age, everyone carries an incredible camera in their pocket, and has the ability to snap an incredible architectural photograph at any moment. As a result, we are served up millions of extraordinary images every day on Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok and beyond. This provides a visual feast, but it can also be overwhelming.

In an ocean of images, it takes a special image to make us stop, take a moment, and truly appreciate the unique place that it depicts. What kind of photograph can capture the true essence of a piece of architecture? What can it tell us about the people that live, work and play within it? Can a photograph tell us a larger story about the cultural context of a home, city or country?

This is the One Photo Challenge:

Can you create a single photo that tells a compelling story about architecture, its inhabitants and our wider world?


2 Top Winners — one student and one non-student
will each win the following:


Cash prize

Featured Entry on Architizer Journal

Top Billing in the Official One Photo Winner's Announcement (See last year's announcement)

An Exclusive Interview

A personal spotlight published in Architizer Journal (See one of last year's interviews)

Background Photo: “Architecture and Nature Aligned” by Alex Nye, Commended Entry in the 2021 One Photo Challenge

2 Top Winners and 10 Commended Entries will all feature in our special Winners' Announcement on Architizer Journal. 100 finalists will be published in Architizer's major annual feature, "100 Photos That Tell Powerful Stories About Architecture" (see last year's feature), to be distributed to Architizer's community including 115,000 newsletter subscribers and 4+ million social media followers!

Competition Brief

Submit one photograph that powerfully communicates an architectural form or space, capturing the essence of the place and the experience of those that inhabit it. It can be located anywhere in the world and be at any scale. It can be taken from a wide angle or close up, show a whole building or just a detail, and be located anywhere in the world. As long as your photo portrays part or all of a building or group of buildings, it is eligible. This should be accompanied by a short description of your photograph, no more than 150 words.

This year, special attention will be given to photographs depicting architecture that is intrinsically tied to our shared place and time — the world in 2022. Images that encapsulate the atmosphere and emotion of a particular place, through the lens of architecture, are most likely to be rewarded.

Deadlines and Entry Fees

Opening Call for Entries

Monday, May 9th, 2022

Early Bird Deadline

Friday, May 27th, 2022

Students $35 | Non-Students $50

Regular Entry Deadline

Friday, June 24th, 2022

Students $45 | Non-Students $65

Late Entry Deadline

Friday, July 15th, 2022

Students $55 | Non-Students $75

Background Photo: “Echo” by Philippe Sarfati, Commended Entry in the 2021 One Photo Challenge


The One Photo Challenge Jury comprises renowned practitioners from the world of architectural photography, each with a unique approach to their craft. These industry leaders are actively shaping the art of architectural photography today, both online and in the built environment. Select jurors include:

Aldo Amoretti

Multi A+Award-winning photographer who has captured the work of renowned architects such as Peter Zumthor, BIG and more.

Paul Clemence

Renowned architectural photographer and founder of the huge Archi-Photo community, home to almost 1 million followers!

Hufton + Crow

World-renowned photographers Nick Hufton and Al Crow, whose clients include Zaha Hadid Architects, BIG and Heatherwick Studio.

Paul Keskeys

Architect and Content Director at Architizer, who has also been published in Architectural Digest, Archinect and PIN–UP Magazine.

Ema Peter

Multi-award-winning architectural photographer, including a plethora of A+Awards.

Yener Torun

Turkish architect and photographer otherwise known as cimkedi; creator of the world's most colorful architectural photography series!

Sebastian Weiss

Otherwise known as le_blanc — Instagram’s most popular photographer of minimalist architectural details.

Krista Jahnke

One of Canada’s leading architectural photographers, working with renowned architects throughout North America.

Ana Mello

Renowned Brazilian architectural photographer, published and exhibited in Brazil and worldwide.

Vivien Liu

Founder of Studio UNIT, a Hong Kong-based studio for Architecture, Interior, Portrait and Lifestyle photography. Recipient of the Best Female Photography Award by #legend in 2017.
View Judging Criteria

Get Your Work on the Global Stage

The One Photo Challenge lives at Architizer.com, the largest online community of architects on the planet, with an audience 5+ million strong. Shortlisted photographs, as well as two Winners, will be featured on Architizer.com to be shared with millions on social media and distributed to Architizer’s 125,000 weekly email subscribers.

About Architizer

Home to the largest community of architects online, Architizer’s core mission is to celebrate the world’s best architecture and the people that bring it to life. Powered by continually evolving technologies, we serve architects with the inspiration and information they need to build better buildings, better cities, and a better world. We provide design professionals and building-product manufacturers with a global platform to promote their work through awards, competitions and engaging content.

Have Questions or Need Assistance?

We're here to help! Check out our FAQs or email your questions to customer service at competitions@architizer.com. We are available Mon-Fri 9am-5.30pm ET and will respond within 24 hours.